The School Uniform

The School Uniform is compulsory on all school days, on P.T.M. and at school functions.

Class I to VII

Boys : Half-Sleeved Sky blue lining shirt, Air force colour trousers, School belt, Black shoes, Blue socks and tie.

Girls : Half-Sleeved Sky blue lining shirt, Air force colour pinafore, School belt, Black shoes, Blue socks and tie, Black Slacks.

Thursday : Sports Dress (Red, Green, Pink, Yellow - as per the house).

For winter : Warm wear Air force blue sweater, blazer for all boys and girls.

Class VIII to XII

Boys : Half-Sleeved Sky blue lining shirt, Air force colour trousers, School belt, Black shoes, Black socks and tie.

Girls : Half-Sleeved Sky blue lining shirt, Air force colour trousers, School belt, Air force colour apron, Black shoes, Blue socks and tie.

Thursday : Sports Dress (Red, Green, Pink, Yellow - as per the house).

Winter : Warm wear Air force blue blazer for all boys and girls.

The students are strictly forbidden to wear gold ornaments, fancy ear rings, bracelets etc. in the school.


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