Library Rules

  • The school endeavours to maintain a well-equipped Library, Reading Room and an Audio Video Programme Room. Library books are to be taken care of and used properly. While taking a new book out, any defect or damage of it must be brought to the notice of the Librarian and class teacher immediately. Books lost will have to be replaced by student or he will have to pay double the cost of it.
  • Students are not allowed to exchange or lend books among themselves or with outsiders.
  • During Library periods, the whole class may be brought into the library under the supervision of class-teacher. Perfect silence and orderliness must be maintained within the Library.
  • Books will be issued to pupil of Std. N and above twice a month on the days fixed for each class by the class teacher. They must be returned within a fortnight.
  • All library books should be returned atleast two weeks before each examination.
  • Failure to return the books on the assigned day will attract a fine 5/ per day.
  • No tracing or marking of any kind in the book is allowed.
  • Reference books can not be taken out of the library.

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CampusCare 10x mobile app for parents is a tool that serves as a single point of reference for parents. The app centralises all the school-parent interaction and lets parents stay updated with their ward's day-to-day activities. Parents can receive assignments, homework, and circulars, keep track of their child's attendance, do online fee payment, view report cards.

Use URL :entab.online/CJSSMP , Use School Code : CJSSMP