General Discipline

  • The student should obey the existing and the amended rules of the school.
  • It is Obligatory to bring the hand book daily to the class for all the students.
  • No transparent/very light/highly- costly or fashionable or tight dress items are allowed to be used by the students, in the school. Gold ornaments are strictly prohibited.
  • Bringing chewing gum, tobacco etc and using them in the school is prohibited. Carrying objectionable things like knife, crackers, mobile phone, etc are banned. If found, the concerned student will be fined heavily and rusticated without giving warning notice. All those prohibited/banned items are once found from a student will not be given back till the academic session gets over.
  • Strict action will be taken against those students who are found disobeying the orders of the Principal and the teachers.
  • Students are not expected to call anybody to the school, unidentified or even friends from outside to the school or near by the school. If anybody found having any contact with anti­social elements will be rusticated from the school without serving any warning letters.
  • No students will be allowed to go home during dass hours. In any urgency, parents themselves have to come personally and on written request only the students may be permitted. The ID proof given from the school must be shown in the office.
  • Regularity to the school is absolutely mandatory. If any student is found irregular, he/she may not be allowed to appear for final exam or may be asked to discontinue and the students and the parents shall be responsible for any adverse consequences.
  • No students should cause any damage to the school property. The damage caused shall be recovered from the students immediately, along with a fine. The fine will be decided by the Principal / Manager and the decision will be final.
  • Students should be punctual and regular for the daily classes. All the students are expected to occupy their seats in the class before the first bell. Attending general assembly is compulsory for all, including teachers.
  • Students coming late may not be allowed to enter the school campus till the assembly gets over.
  • Late comers who miss the school assembly should present the Hand-Book to the Principal/Class Teacher for marking the late attendance before entering the class. Frequent latecomers will not be permitted for the class. Special exercises shall be conducted for the latecomers.
  • Pupils found absent from the class will not be admitted to the next day's class, unless a leave letter stating the reason of absence is sent by the parent.
  • Running, playing or shouting in the school building is not allowed. No pupil shall enter the classroom other than one's own, without permission.
  • Every student should take part in the school games and other co-curricular activities.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. Each article must be marked with name and roll number.
  • Students should never tamper with the entries made in the progress cards and school diaries.
  • SPEAKING IN ENGLISH IS COMPULSORY at the school, on the school campus, in the school bus and at the bus stops while waiting to board the bus.
  • The class rooms, corridors and the school premises shall be kept clean. Waste paper or other waste materials must always be thrown into the waste boxes provided. They may always take care the display boards, walls, furniture, black boards, shelves etc., are kept neat and in order.
  • For a serious violation of the any of the school regulations, a student may be temporarily suspended according to the discretion of the Principal.
  • Parents / Guardians are not allowed to come in school premises in short pants.
  • No student is allowed to come to school in civil dress on birthdays.
  • Students are not allowed to come in school by motorcycle/bike.

Download Mobile App

CampusCare 10x mobile app for parents is a tool that serves as a single point of reference for parents. The app centralises all the school-parent interaction and lets parents stay updated with their ward's day-to-day activities. Parents can receive assignments, homework, and circulars, keep track of their child's attendance, do online fee payment, view report cards.

Use URL :entab.online/CJSSMP , Use School Code : CJSSMP