Dismissal / Rustication

  • Students will be dismissed from the school for serious violation of school discipline.
  • Irregularity in class, malpractices and misbehaviours in the examination hall, disrespect to staff members or school management, destructive behaviours or conduct, cause of damage to the reputation of the school can be sufficient reasons for rustication without any written information/warning.
  • Any student through or by whom any external disturbance is caused may also be rusticated.
  • Toe students whose parents/guardians misbehave with the school authorities will be asked to leave the school.

Examination & Promotion

If a student remains absent for any examination without proper intimation from the parents in advance, a heavy penalty will be levied. It is obligatory for the parents to meet the principal and inform the reason for the absence.

It is compulsory to attend the parent-teacher meeting after every assessment. The progress report is shown to the parents in the parent-teacher meeting. You are requested to sign the progress report I diary and return it there itself.


Download Mobile App

CampusCare 10x mobile app for parents is a tool that serves as a single point of reference for parents. The app centralises all the school-parent interaction and lets parents stay updated with their ward's day-to-day activities. Parents can receive assignments, homework, and circulars, keep track of their child's attendance, do online fee payment, view report cards.

Use URL :entab.online/CJSSMP , Use School Code : CJSSMP