Aims and objectives

  • To enable the children to acquire the highest degree of knowledge.
  • To develop intellectual, physical, moral and cultural skills of the pupil.
  • To nurture the human, ethical and moral values which will enable the children to live in harmony with other individuals and with nature.
  • To foster the integral personality development of the students is the priority of Christjyoti. The School aims at the excellence in education with technical studies such as Computer, Smart Class, audio-visual aids combined with curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Download Mobile App

CampusCare 10x mobile app for parents is a tool that serves as a single point of reference for parents. The app centralises all the school-parent interaction and lets parents stay updated with their ward's day-to-day activities. Parents can receive assignments, homework, and circulars, keep track of their child's attendance, do online fee payment, view report cards.

Use URL :entab.online/CJSSMP , Use School Code : CJSSMP