
Cultural Room

School has set up a sound proof activity room for developing the cultural activities of the students with mirror on the side walls with LCD projector and proper sound system. The children are given training in Indian classical, western dances, dramatization etc.

Dance Room

School will set up sound proof dance room for developing the cultural activities of the students with mirror on the side walls with LCD projector and proper sound system. And the children will be given training in Indian classical, western dances, dramatization etc.


Download Mobile App

CampusCare 10x mobile app for parents is a tool that serves as a single point of reference for parents. The app centralises all the school-parent interaction and lets parents stay updated with their ward's day-to-day activities. Parents can receive assignments, homework, and circulars, keep track of their child's attendance, do online fee payment, view report cards.

Use URL :entab.online/CJSSMP , Use School Code : CJSSMP